When someone you know and care deeply for is enduring a severe trial, you feel that trial in your own life as well. When you can empathize with them because, like them, you have touched the bowels of death and returned to continue a passionate life, you feel their trial a bit more intensely. When that person is a young person, just starting their journey of life, you agonize over what they may not get to experience and the pain you know their family is enduring. And when they overcome the trial, through medical treatment, personal effort, and, most of all, God's direct divine intervention, you rejoice with and for them and their family in a way that is deeply personal. So it is as we have learned that our friend, Kevin Whitley, has been declared free of the cancer that has threatened his life for many months. To him and his family, we say "CONGRATULATIONS!!!" and to God, we say "Thanks! We knew you could and would."
Becky is continuing to recuperate from her most recent surgery. Stiffness, soreness, and being very tired are the most notable conditions she feels most of the time. Regardless of that, Becky has maintained a positive outlook and works diligently to overcome the difficulties with her hips and legs. Becky's doctor has told us that Becky's entire skeletal structure is deformed due to the accident. Now she is working to overcome the deformities. She lost a lot of muscle in her left inner thigh when the left hip was replaced in February. The softball-sized bone mass that had to be removed from her left femur encompassed a lot of muscle. Of course, that muscle had already been destroyed, but we didn't comprehend the loss or realize its impact until the bone was removed. The full impact only became clear after the second hip replacement in May. A long term heavy exercise regimen will hopefully rebuild and develop the muscle that was lost. The surgeon told us that Becky will still be recovering from the left hip surgery, done in February, long after she has fully recovered from May's right hip surgery.
Becky has a tremendous amount of work to do to recover from her injuries and surgeries. We appreciate the prayers and encouragement that many people have given. Please continue to pray that Becky will have the strength, stamina, patience, and courage to do the work she must do to see this through. Also, please pray that I, and the rest of the family, will have what we need to help Becky through the rest of this process. Most importantly, please pray that God will hold Becky in His hands and carry her to full recovery in as short of a time as possible. We rely on Him.
Thanks again to all of you!
Love to all,
Dennis & Becky Bounds
Sunday, June 1, 2008
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Hey Becky and Dennis,
Just wanted to check in and say hello and let you know we're still here! I hope your therapy is going well, and that you're making progress each and every day. We continue to pray for you and your family daily.
Dennis is so eloquent with his writing (on the blog) and impressively expressive (especially for a guy)with his words. I bet he could write one heck of a love letter back in the day, huh?
Y'all take care!
Sharon V
Becky, the doctor recognizes your skeletal structure as being deformed? I think what he meant was that it's been rearranged.
Additionally, it has been said that everything is really only surface and symbol anyway. Surface being what is outwardly perceived, and symbol being the depths of a thing, the secrets of the soul and sometimes (more often than not) that which only God can perceive.
God might rather say that your skeletal structure is momentarily refashioning itself.
And while your skeletal structure must still reorder itself (and we pray for it), your subconscious, unconscious and conscious have all been better organized. The reason I know is b/c God is using your struggle (and those closest to you) for long-term results, whereas the doctor's concern is ALWAYS short-term.
I know that as sure as I'm sitting here your mind and your indestructible spirit (whether you’re even cognizant of it or not) has been elevated to recognize &/or realize divine potential. You now stand on the pinnacle of that potential (i.e. whereas you once were less the faith, you are now full of it. Where thou were once timid, now thou art bold. And once were thou melancholic, but now joyfulness is seen throughout thy whole soul).
Becky, you and your whole family are doing great. The prayers of many are w/ you and God shines upon your countenance.
Josh, Melissa & Emma
Becky & Family,
I am not quite as eloquet in my writing as Dennis or Josh, but I feel compelled to say this... Watching you and your family is inspiring. I realize you have heard this quite a bit over the last years, but it is so incredibly true! Prayers will continue for your recovery(and endurance)and for your family's strength(and endurance)as well.
You ALL are amazing. May God's hand in your lives continue...
Erika Whitley
Note: Dennis-thank you for you kind and celebratory words about Kevin. He has been another of God's children that we are so blessed to have and watch recover.
Was just thinking of you and wanted to say "hi".When you are in therapy working hard, or sometimes just having a not so good day, try to remember that others do care about you and you are not alone. I continue to pray for you.
Hi Becky!!
Just wanted to let you know that your cheering crowd is still at it and will continue so. Every day I ask God to give you strength and his healing touch. I know you are working hard to do your part in this as well.
Think about your beautiful, bright children, and your adoring husband as you push through the pain and struggle of the physical therapy. You are surrounded by love.
Keep up the hard work, Becky!!
With love and admiration,
De Lynn
Becky, I wonder how your muscle memory is...
Since you lost so much muscle w/in your in-most eastern thigh you're going to have to remember where you left it. You're searching all over for it; I know you're looking for it like a lost settlement right now. And you will find and recover the muscle Becky. GOD will restore it to you because of your relentlessness in looking for it, and your confidence that He can do it (& that He has you on the right trek for repossession).
But I do know one good thing that came from this whole ordeal (besides your dazzling white face)...your mind was made clean and bright, like blank pages of computer paper. Those pages are now to be filled with the content of 66 books on Intergalactic Library loan, where doctrines, various and profound teachings and principles for life from come.
We're looking forward to seeing you upright again. Like you Becky, we also know that consistently bold prayer will help you get there again, moreso than any post on a blog.
So our supplications are for you Becky...
Josh, Melissa & Emma
b/t/w Becky...I was thinking today about my metaphor of blank computer paper and your mind. Maybe that wasn't so well put; what I meant was that after a struggle like this your mind is made fresh and your spiritual vigor renewed.
I didn't mean your mind was blank, but thoroughly cleaned...ready to be filled w/ God's Word.
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