Wednesday, July 16, 2008

July 16, 2008

It's been a couple weeks since I've posted anything on the blog and I think it's a good time to update those who choose to come to the site. To each of you... Thanks!

Becky has been working hard in her Physical Therapy and in her own exercises and walking efforts to improve her strength and endurance. By its very nature, increasing endurance is a struggle and Becky is not an exception in this. She is determined to do a little better than the therapist says she must do, so she now walks about 8 minutes rather than the 7 minutes dictated by the therapist. She struggles with it, particularly if it happens to be hot and muggy where she's walking, but she keeps at it. You can't possibly see her work at this without feeling immense pride and respect for her.

Unfortunately, Becky has not been feeling well for about a week. She has had significant feelings of exhaustion and general weakness; so much so that she has rescheduled her Physical Therapy twice. It has to be pretty bad for us to reschedule. So, I would ask for prayers on her behalf, particularly that she will feel better and more energetic and lose the weakness and sometimes irritable stomach she's been feeling. She really does need to be able to return to her therapy, exercise and other activities.

Thanks to all of you who've continued praying for Becky and for our family. It is amazing to see God's hand in our lives as issues work out and we are able to accomplish necessary things. God surely expects us to do our part by working like everything is all up to us and ultimately looking to Him and knowing that it is really all up to Him. Your prayers, encouragement, cards, etc. are an ongoing source of strength that God has provided and we never fail to give thanks for it.

Love to you all,

Dennis & Becky Bounds


Adriane said...


You're doing so well! I'm very proud of you :) I hope we can schedule a trip out of town somewhere in the next month or so. You'll be hiking around creeks again in no time :)

Thank you for your help with getting my class scheduled. It's amazing that with so much on your plate, you're both able and eager to help me with all of my drama! I also wanted to let you know that I ended up putting my paper online. In all of my searching, I've gotten the most from individuals rather than official stuff, so I want to make my research available in case someone else is in a similar position.

I love you, and I have so much respect for your drive! Have a wonderful day!


rebecca bounds said...


I am SO SO proud of you !!

The item I have for you -- that you were supposed to get when you finished your last class (around Aug 14th) -- I think you need now - to brag about it being your last class !!!

I love you bunches, and I'll see you in the morning.
-- jamama
(aka very large and/or pajamas)

Anonymous said...

It sounds like you are doing wonderful as usual. I am not worried about this little set back. I have seen you take problems and turn it around so fast and make it a postitive. I know you will be back on your feet and walking that extra minute before we know it. I didn't get a card off this week, I was a little off since I got back from camp. But you are still in my prayers and I'm eagerly waiting for that time when you can walk all on your own into church, store, wherever you want to go. And you should know that as you go through this seemly slow process to a full recovery, that so many are learning from you and your set back and your sucess. I see that yes He answers prayers, but in His time and when it is best for us, and we can learn the most from it. So be strong as you climb up this small hill and know that the next is down the hill. Take care, love to you and your family. Judith

rebecca bounds said...

You give me the most positive comments, messages and beautiful cards !

I hope your son is doing well now. Juliane was diagnosed with the same thing quite a while back.

Love that grand baby and take lots of pictures!!

solo-man said...

Your new occupation is commitment to yourself. It has to be. Obviously I don't mean in a self-adoration kind of way; I mean your committed to mobility, and your family's support is going to get you back to where you were.

It's disheartening to go from doing what you want to doing what you can. And all the work it takes you just to get normal abilites again is a mental struggle. There is NO WAY you could do it w/out your family and GOD. But you have them both, and more. Your feet are there encouraring their thighs, quads, buttocks (did I say that?) and calves to hit the weights, AND the encouragement that comes from GOD'S Word, your family and friends will bring this trial to a close.

But really, what's the use of walking anyway? It lets you interFACE w/ society (and I reckon that'll be more fun for you). W/out your legs you lose a connection to community. I guess you can still have it online and internetwork w/ society, but that's w/ words on a screen and not the same power as your...face. (I told myself I was going to quit dwelling on this). But darkness really is runing a huge deficit there (on your face).

Anyway, at least you don't have an Ex 33:20 face (yet @ least).

Josh, Melissa & Emma

PS: I've had this sn and a bunch of blogs since '06 I think but just recently got into posting on them.